Sunday, February 3, 2019

Weekly Update 2/3/19

I've been plugging away in the studio.  small but noticeable changes in my current works in progress. sadly not as much progress as i'd like

it find it so very hard to work on small canvases. it's such a difference working small to working big.  when im working on a large canvas i can get lost in the sweeping movements of the brush against the canvas, to find a meditation in the movement.  but when i work small, i can feel my muscles tensing up as i try to get the same imagery across.  it's like....  like im trying to get a big idea in a tiny container, you know?

i've not worked on any new shoes or cups, but i have a plan to pick up some more this week to work on.  i'd like to get more tumblers, but finding them at a reasonable price isn't as easy as you'd think (sorry $tarbuck$, but three bucks a pop for yours it a bit out of my price range.)

the only other news is that like a huge number of the population, i've been diagnosed with a thyroid problem.  i'm on day 2 of my thyroid meds, and i already see more energy at the tail end of the day (no more feeling like im going to fall asleep when im driving home), and im hoping that this influx of energy will translate into more studio hours.  heres hoping, right?

i did however draw an adorable little Aragog from Chamber of Secrets...

Monday, January 28, 2019

Weekly update 1/28/2019

much like last week, this week was slow in the studio.  and im getting a little worried about that because i have my solo show in march!   I need to get my butt in gear and get more productive, but it's been so cold and snowy i just haven't felt any inspiration.  and yes yes, i know, i should be more concerned with consistency than inspiration, but damn it's hard to do.

i did get a little done though.

on some cups:  (which for some reason the picture won't upload)

and on some of my small paintings:

None of them are even close to being done, but im at least getting SOMEWHERE with them.

Im thinking i need more cups, because i don't have nearly enough, and maybe some of the 'tumblers' to paint for the REVIVAL show in march.  that will all depend on the budget though, as funds are VERY  limited.  I've looked into Patreon and im not sure if it's going to be useful for me right now.  I think i'll have to have more of a following to really get anything out of it.  I created a profile of course, to at least get the ball rolling, but there isn't really anything ON it, you know?

Ok, that's all i can think of at the moment, I'll write to you all next week!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

This week in the studio 1/20/19

This week was side tracked with the flu (or at least flu like symptoms, i don't get to see my primary until Tuesday).  I got jack snot done.  Not even enough of anything to take a photo of.  Seriously, Nada. 

Tomorrow however, is my Friday (on a Monday, i know, my schedule is weird), and i have plans to make the best of it.  A three dollar bottle of wine and a couple hours slinging paint.  it will be haven. 

Tomorrow is of course also the super blood wolf i can't believe it's not butter full moon, and because im such a christmas and easter pagan, i will OBVS be doing something.  That something will probably be lighting some candles (which i need to do anyway, there are a lot of people im doing some prayer work for right now) and maybe cleaning the kitchen with a little Florida water.  Im such a kitchen witch.

Well, i think you're all caught up.  If i come up with something amazballs in the studio tomorrow, i may amend this. 


Monday, January 14, 2019

This week in the studio 1/14/19

Hello everybody!  it's been a pretty slow week at the Wyrd Studio, i didn't get as much done as i'd like to, and to be honest, i kind of slacked my weekend away.  then there was the CRAZY night of massive insomnia, and i ended up sleeping the day away later on.  but i did get a little done. 

first i got a few new layers on both the new shoes:

and i picked up some new cups, and got some layers on them.  
there are only 2 cups this time though.  the dollar store i went to only had one two pack.  it's just the first few layers on the cups though.  like i said i slacked.  

my little bam-bam got sick (again) this week too.  in his sickness, he decided that his doll i made him, Ghost, needed a friend, and it had to be Thanos.  So the last couple of days i've been researching and sewing up a Waldorf Doll, in purple.  my friend Dani sent an amazing link my way, and i got Thanos finished today.  What do you think?

He's feeling better, by the way. 

I'm hoping to get more done this week, and i'm setting up some dedicated studio hours after my gym time this week.  hopefully the insomnia that plagued me last week will leave me alone this week. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Weekly update

Hello all!  Time for the weekly update.  I'll try to write a blog post at least every sunday (as long as i remember to), to keep you all in the loop. 

So this week...  By far the best thing i've done this week is this amazing table i created for my friend Claire. 

isn't it beautiful??!??!?!??  

i'd created a similar one for an art show that is still going on at Salon Ink in Papillion.  That one is the Triple Goddess Table:
also amazing.    The show should run through the end of this month if i remember correctly, and i have a couple other small pieces there too.  All of the art is absolutely amazing, and if you are in the area, please check it out.  Claire with Art Pop always does such an amazing job of curating her shows. 

One of the other awesome things i did this week was apply to a bunch of places to be their First Friday artist, and im super pleased to announce that in March i will be the First Friday artist at REVIVAL in Benson!!!  Revival is a great used clothing store, with really reasonable prices, and amazing stuff.  I'll be in the studio for the foreseeable future to make a bunch of new smaller pieces (i.e. more affordable as well) to show there , as well as a lot of new coffee cups and tumblers. 

I created a new Our Weird Wyrd comic, and you can find it here.  I've been thinking a lot about alternate realities, and it shows.  (i really do blame quite a lot on the large hadron collider.   look it up)

The only other thing i've got is sketching.  I usually sketch in books, but today i did some digital sketching.  I need to find a good program that will work with both my tablet and my WACOM pad so i can sketch on the go and not have to take my laptop everywhere. 
i think i missed my calling as a cartoonist.  i would have been amazing.  and yes, that's my middle finger.  it was a rough day at work.  

that's the extent of my week.  What all did you create?

Sunday, December 30, 2018

My Artist Bio

just in case anyone was interested in my artist bio (and not just so i can find it quickly if i need to), here is my complete artist bio.

Heather Tomasello has  been a multi discipline artist for most of her life.  Working in acrylic, oil, fiber, sewing, and sculpture, beginning her career at Omaha North High School which continued at University of Nebraska at Omaha, where she majored in Theater with Art and Religion minors.  

She has been fortunate enough to have been able to participate in several group shows in the Omaha Metro Area, including Art for the Heart 1 and 2, We’re All Mad Here, Celebration De Los Muertos 1,2, and 3, and TOTEMS.  Her first solo show “Layers” was October 2015, and was held over for the month of November as well.

An advocate for art therapy and art in schools, Heather knows first hand how beneficial creating can be.  “Painting for me is a way to work through the stress and anguish I experience as a 911 operator. It allows me to purge all those feelings and get my mind in a much clearer space.”

Using the ‘intuitive painting’ method, where the piece is not planned out before work begins, Heather often uses music or background images as a catalyst for creation.   “I believe that creating can be a spiritual practice.” Heather often finds images of the Devine Feminine and Nordic Runes finding their way into her work, as well her totem animal Ravens and Crow augury (one for sorrow, two for joy, etc…)

Heather has many creative goals for the future, including expanding her home studio The Wyrd Studio, as well as creating a co-op community with several other artists in the area.  “The end goal is to have a shared creating and gallery space where different artists can work together with an emphasis on art as a spiritual and educational tool.”

Saturday, December 29, 2018

stretching, growing, and moving on.

2018 was......  well it was certainly something else.

but honestly, as bad as it was, i learned a lot.  i learned who i can count on, who will let me lean on them when i need to, that people understand when you just...  can't pick up the pieces anymore.

i learned that transformation is a messy and painful process, that looks NOTHING like it does in the movies or online.  it's gross.  but needed. 

but most of all, i learned the direction i need my life to go.  and i learned that it's going to be a long process to get there.  and im ok with that.  i really am.  just because one plan fell apart doesn't mean that they all will. 

and i do have a plan.  i do.  it's one of those long-term-going-to-take-ten-years-or-more plans.  but the ground work is being laid now.  im a libra, EVERYTHING has to get planned out.  it's just how im wired. 

so i'll be blogging here when new pieces get finished.   or when ive got a showing.  or when im frustrated.  or when i see really cute cat pictures or something.  but im trying to make my "social media presence" start now.  

Weekly Update 2/3/19

I've been plugging away in the studio.  small but noticeable changes in my current works in progress. sadly not as much progress as i&#...